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The Alen Thong Golden Coffee Pot Young Chefs Challenge Powered by JM Foods 123
In August 2015 The Emirates Culinary Guild lost one of its founding fathers, Mr John Alen Thong.
In 1992 the Emirates Culinary Guild was officially formed with a team of local chefs from the
United Arab Emirates, and Alen was the coordinator from the time of the Guilds inception till his
Alen’s contribution to the culinary world not only in the United Arab Emirates but beyond is an
inspiration to young and senior chefs alike. Alen was focused on the Young chefs and was a stalwart
for their development through building the Emirates Culinary Guild and the competitions that the
guild managed over the past 24 years.
In 2016 the Emirate’s Culinary Guild staged the 1st running of the Alen Thong Golden Coffee Pot
Young chef challenge at La Cuisine by La Sial in Abu Dhabi ,United Arab Emirates. Teams from
across the globe were invited to compete with Singapore walking away with the inaugural winner’s
trophy. La Cuisine was the second branded competition Alen built up over 6 years prior to his death
leaving another legacy for the chefs of het UAE.
Many of us are committed to the development of the Young chefs from around the world and we as
the Emirates Culinary Guild would like to make this competition a sustainable legacy for a great man
and also an opportunity for Young chefs to develop and shine on the competition circuit.
The competition is fully supported by the Emirates Culinary Guild, Purple kitchen events,
Worldchefs and the Expo Centre Sharjah the home of ExpoCuliniare and without their generous
support this competition would not be possible. The 2024 sponsor is once again JM Foods and with
their support we are looking forward to an exciting 9 team competition.
May 2023 sees the return of the competition from 20th May till 22nd May 2024 at ExpoCuliniare and
Salon Culinaire held in Expo Centre Sharjah supported by JM Foods.
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